

单词 General meeting
释义 全體大會
A meeting of the members (shareholders) of a company. A general meeting known as the ‘annual general meeting’ must be held once every year: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 111. General meetings other than annual general meetings are often called extraordinary general meetings and are normally convened by directors: sch 1 table A arts 50, 51. On requisition of members holding not less than 5% of such paid up capital of a company or (if the company does not have share capital) 5% of the total voting rights of all the members, the directors of a company shall convene an extraordinary general meeting: s 113. The court also has power to order meetings: s 114B. See also Annual general meeting; Chairman at general meeting; Extraordinary general meeting.
公司成員(股東)的會議。而周年大會則須每年舉行一次:《公司條例》(第32章)第111條。周年大會以外的其他大會通常稱為特別大會,一般由董事召開:附表1表格A第50及51條。公司董事應公司成員請求書的請求,應召開公司特別大會,而該等成員須持有不少於5%的公司已繳足資本、或(如屬無股本的公司)持有全體成員不少於5%的總表決權:第113條。法院亦有權力命令召開會議:第114B條。另見 Annual general meeting; Chairman at general meeting; Extraordinary general meeting。




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