

单词 Through or under a party
释义 透過某一方或在某一方之下

In relation to arbitration, a phrase used to identify a person making a claim who is not an original party to the arbitration agreement: Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341) s 6(2). The prepositions ‘through’ and ‘under’ convey the notion of a cause of action derived from the party. An essential element of the cause of action must be, or must have been, vested in or exercisable by the party before the person claiming through or under the party can rely on the cause of action: Bonnin v Neame [1910] 1 Ch 732. ‘Through or under a party’ has also been construed to apply to a trustee of a bankrupt’s estate (Piercy v Young (1879) 14 Ch D 200) and a company being a subsidiary of a parent company that is a party to an arbitration agreement (Roussel- Uclaf v G D Searle & Co Ltd [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 225)). See also Arbitration agreement; Party.
就仲裁而言,此用語用以辨別作出申索但並非仲裁協議原來立約人的人:《仲裁條例》(第341章)第6(2)條。「透過」 及 「在…之下」表達源自有關當事人的訴訟因由的概念。在透過某一方或在某一方之下申索的人可倚賴有關的訴訟因由之前,訴訟因由的重要元素必須或必須已經歸予有關的當事人或可由有關的當事人行使:Bonnin v Neame [1910] 1 Ch 732。「透過某一方或在某一方之下」 亦被解釋為可應用於破產人產業的受託人(Piercy v Young (1879) 14 Ch D 200)及屬於母公司的附屬公司及身為仲裁協議立約人的公司(Roussel- Uclaf v G D Searle & Co Ltd [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 225))。另見 Arbitration agreement; Party。





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