

单词 Jury vetting
释义 陪審團查核
The process by which the panel of jurors summoned by the Registrar of the High Court for a particular trial is inspected by one or both of the parties for the purpose of challenging any juror if necessary. A person arraigned on an indictment for any offence may challenge not more than five jurors without cause and any juror or jurors for cause: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 29. See also Jury; Jury challenge; Jury panel; Jury roll; Peremptory challenge.
因可反對任何陪審員(如需要),一方或雙方查核高等法院司法常務官就某特定的審訊所召集的陪審員小組的程序。在公訴中因任何罪行被提審的人,可無須提出因由而反對不超過5名人士出任陪審員,如有因由,則可反對任何人士出任陪審員:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第29條。另見 Jury; Jury challenge; Jury panel; Jury roll; Peremptory challenge。




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