

单词 Accommodation party
释义 匯票代發人
A person who signs a bill of exchange as drawer, acceptor, or indorser without receiving value, for the purpose of lending his name to another: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 28(1). An accommodation party is liable to a holder for value and it is immaterial whether, when such holder took the bill, he knew such party to be an accommodation party or not: s 28(2). See also Acceptor; Accommodation bill; Drawer; Holder; Indorser.
以出票人、承兌人或背書人身份在匯票上簽名,而並無為此收取任何價值的人,且其目的是讓其他人借用其姓名或名稱:《匯票條例》(第19章)第28條(1)。匯票代發人須就上述匯票向已付價值的持有人承擔法律責任;該持有人在取得該匯票時是否知道該人是匯票代發,均無關重要:第28條(2)。另見 Acceptor; Accommodation bill; Drawer; Holder; Indorser。




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