

单词 Secured creditor
释义 有抵押債權人
A person holding a mortgage, charge or lien on the property of the debtor or any part thereof, as a security for a debt due to him from the debtor: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 2; Re K & R Wong Construction Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 364. Arrangements such as a mortgage, charge, or lien, confer on the creditor the means of satisfying the debt owing by the debtor out of what is in truth the property of the debtor: Re Leinster Contract Corp [1903] 1 IR 517. A secured creditor will take priority over unsecured creditors upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of the debtor. Although a secured creditor can present a creditor’s petition, the secured creditor can only claim to be a creditor for the difference between the debt and the value of the security. See also Charge; Creditor; Creditor’s petition; Lien; Security; Unsecured creditor.
指持有債務人財產或其中任何部分的按揭、押記或留置權的人,而所持有的按揭、押記或留置權是作為債務人欠持有人的債項的抵押者:《破產條例》(第6章)第2條;Re K & R Wong Construction Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 364。在事實上是債務人財物進行的按揭、押記或留置權等安排授予債權人清償債務人債務的方法:Re Leinster Contract Corp [1903] 1 IR 517。在債務人破產或無力償債時,有抵押債權人會優先於無抵押債權人。儘管有抵押債權人可提交債權人呈請書,有抵押債權人只可申索債權債務與抵押價值之間的差額。另見 Charge; Creditor; Creditor’s petition; Lien; Security; Unsecured creditor。




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