

单词 Alternative count
释义 交替罪名
A count in an information or indictment stated to be in the alternative to the immediate preceding count, so that the jury, if not satisfied of the accused’s guilt on the first count, may acquit the accused of that count but find the accused guilty of the alternative count. The alternative count is generally for a less serious offence than that in the main count. It is proper to include alternative counts if they are alternatives to each other: see Indictment Rules (Cap 221C) r 5; R v Kwan Chi Hung [1991] 1 HKC 232, [1993] 2 HKCLR 113 (CA). When a guilty verdict is recorded on a count with an alternative, the jury should be discharged from giving verdict on the alternative: R v Tsui Fung (No 1) [1996] 2 HKC 77 (CA). See also Alternative verdict; Count; Indictment; Information.
在刑事告發書或公訴書內並緊接前一項罪名,以交替形式述明的另一項罪名。若陪審團不信納被告就第一項罪名有罪,可裁定被告第一項罪名不成立,但裁定被告第二項罪名成立。交替罪名通常比主要罪名牽涉嚴重性較輕的罪行。若罪名是可互相交替,將交替罪名包括在內,是合理的做法:《公訴書規則》(第221章)第5條;R v Kwan Chi Hung [1991] 1 HKC 232, [1993] 2 HKCLR 113(上訴法院)。附有交替陳述之罪名的定罪裁決已有記錄,則陪審團不需就交替罪名給予裁決: R v Tsui Fung (No 1) [1996] 2 HKC 77(上訴法院)。另見 Alternative verdict; Count; Indictment; Information。




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