

单词 Bail
释义 保釋
The right to be released from custody granted to a person charged with an offence, on the condition that he or she undertakes to return to the court at some specified time, and comply with any other conditions that the court may impose: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 9D(1). Anyone arrested on a criminal charge is entitled to a trial within a reasonable time or to be released on bail: Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) art 5(3); R v Lau Kwok Hung (No 2) (1992) 2 HKPLR 261. Failure to appear before the courts in accordance with a bail undertaking without reasonable excuse (failure to ‘answer bail’) is an offence: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 9L(1). The liability for punishment of an offence contrary to s 9L must entail a trial in accordance with the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227): R v Lau Wai Leung [1997] 1 HKC 269, HKLRD 200 (HC). See also Bail application; Bail condition; Bail undertaking; Police bail.
被控犯罪的人獲免被羈留的權利;條件是其需承諾於指定時間返回法院,及遵守任何法院加諸的條件:《刑事訴訟條例》(第221章)第9D(1)節。任何因刑事控罪而被補的人,有權於合理時間內受審或保釋外出:人權法案(第383章)第5(3)條;R v Lau Kwok Hung (No 2) (1992) 2 HKPLR 261。在無合理因由的情況下,未能按照保釋承諾出庭(不遵守「就保釋答辯」),即屬罪行:《刑事訴訟條例》 (第221章)第9L (1) 條。違反第9L條的罪行,須按照《裁判官條例》(第227章)審訊,才可懲處:R v Lau Wai Leung [1997] 1 HKC 269;[1997] HKLRD 200 (高等法院)。另見 Bail application; Bail condition; Bail undertaking; Police bail。n.




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