

单词 Bailee's remedies
释义 受寄人的補救
The remedies that flow from a bailee’s right, based on the bailee’s possession of the bailed chattel, to maintain an action in conversion, detinue, trepass in respect of the bailed chattel for its full value: Swaffer v Mulcahy [1934] 1 KB 608. Any damages received above the bailee’s interest in the bailed chattel will be held on trust for the bailor: Hepburn v A Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd [1966] AC 451, 1 All ER 418, 2 WLR 453 (HL). A bailee may even maintain an action in conversion, detinue, or trepass against the bailor for wrongful premature termination of the bailment: Halliday v Holgate (1868) LR 3 Exch 299. A bailee also has the right to sue in negligence for damage to the goods. See also Bailee’s lien; Bailment; Conversion; Detinue; Replevin.
受寄人基於本身管有所寄託的實產而有權以侵佔,要求歸還扣留物或侵犯動產為訴因,就有關的寄託實產進行訴訟以取得有關實產的全值所衍生的補救:Rooth v Wilson (1817) 1 B & Ald 59, Swaffer v Mulcahy [1934] 1 KB 608。如獲得超逾受寄人對寄託實產所佔權益的損害賠償,則有關的超逾的部分得視為替寄託人以信託持有的部分:Hepburn v A Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd [1966] AC 451, 1 All ER 418, 2 WLR 453 (上議院)。受寄人甚至可以基於侵佔,要求歸還扣留物或侵犯,針對寄託人不當地提早終止貨物寄託/委託保管而進行訴訟:Halliday v Holgate (1868) LR 3 Exch 299。此外,受寄人也有權基於疏忽造成貨物損害而起訴。另見 Bailee’s lien; Bailment; Conversion; Detinue; Replevin。




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