单词 | Money lender |
释义 | 放債人 Any person whose business (whether or not he carries on any other business) is that of making loans or who advertises or announces himself or holds himself out in any way as carrying on that business: Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap 163) s 2. An exempted person, or a person who made an exempted loan, could not be regarded as a money lender with respect to that loan: s 2. The exclusion was designed to take out of the ambit of the provisions a person or a loan who would otherwise be caught by those provisions: Universe Link Industries Ltd & Anor v Liggars Ltd [1999] 2 HKLRD 383. An exempted loan includes a loan (a) made bona fide by an employer to his employee; (b) made to a company secured by a mortgage, charge, lien or other encumbrance; (c) made by a company under a bona fide credit-card scheme operated by the company to any holder of a credit-card issued under that scheme; (d) made bona fide for the purchase of immovable property on the security of a mortgage of that property and a loan made bona fide to refinance such a mortgage; (e) made by a company or a firm or individual whose ordinary business does not primarily or mainly involve the lending of money, in the ordinary course of that business; (f) made by a licensed pawnbroker under the Pawnbrokers Ordinance (Cap 166): Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap 163) sch 1 pt II. See also Bank; Credit union; Moneylending; Usury. 指經營貸款業務(不論他是否亦經營其他業務)的人,或宣傳、宣布或以任何方式顯示自己是經營該業務的人:《放債人條例》(第163章)第2條。受豁免的人,或作出受豁免貸款的人士,就該筆貸款而言不可被視為放債人。豁免的目的為把本來會受該些條例影響的人、貸款,移離條例影響所及的範圍:Universe Link Industries Ltd & Anor v Liggars Ltd [1999] 2 HKLRD 383。受豁免的貸款包括 (a) 僱主向其僱員真誠作出的貸款;(b) 向公司作出的貸款,並以按揭、押記、留置權或其他產權負擔作保證者;(c) 任何公司根據其真誠施行的信用咭計劃而向根據該計劃獲發給信用咭的持有人作出的貸款;(d) 為購買不動產、並以該不動產的按揭作為保證而真誠作出的貸款,以及再資助該項按揭而真誠作出的貸款;(e) 任何公司、商號或個別人士,而其日常業務基本上或主要並不涉及貸款者,在其通常業務運作中作出的貸款;(f) 持牌當押商根據《當押商條例》(第166章)作出的貸款。另見 Bank; Credit union; Moneylending; Usury。 |
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