

单词 Allurement
释义 誘惑物
An attraction or temptation, with a hidden dangerous quality. It is relevant to the liability in negligence of an occupier of premises, especially towards children attracted by an object into the premises. An occupier may still be liable for injury to a trespassing child: Glasgow Corp v Taylor [1922] 1 AC 44. An open gate may not constitute an allurement: Perry Jonathan Brink (an infant) & Anor (No 2) v The New PG Farm (A Firm) [1966] HKLR 438. See also Negligence; Occupier’s liability.
一種有潛在危險性的吸引或誘惑。房屋佔用人的疏忽責任,尤其對於因受到一些物品的被吸引進入房屋的小孩子所負的責任。佔用人有可能對入侵的小孩子負上責任:Glasgow Corp v Taylor [1922] 1 AC 44。一道打開的閘不可能構成一種誘惑:Perry Jonathan Brink (an infant) & Anor (No 2) v The New PG Farm (A Firm) [1966] HKLR 438。另見 Negligence; Occupier’s liability。n.




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