

单词 Alteration
释义 改變/修改
Generally, a change, modification, or amendment.
Building and construction - Alteration covers all work to the fabric of the building which falls short of complete erection or complete demolition: Customs and Excise Cmrs v Viva Gas Appliances Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 112 (HL). Where any building has been erected, or where any building works or street works have been or are being carried out in contravention of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), the Building Authority may require such alteration of the building, building works or street works to comply with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance, or otherwise to put an end to the contravention thereof: Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) ss 24(1)(c), 30, 31; Buildings (Private Streets and Access Roads) Regulations (Cap 123G) reg 26. See also Building works.
Deeds - In relation to a deed or bond, a modification to the writing of an instrument, whether by interlineation, addition, erasure, or by drawing a pen through a line. A writing may be altered in any way before it is signed without affecting the validity of the instrument. Formerly, a material alteration of a deed after execution, or a non-material alteration by the obligee after execution, rendered the deed void from the time of alteration: Pigot’s case [1558-1774] All ER Rep 50, 77 ER 1177, (1614) 11 Co Rep 26b, (1614) 11 Co Rep 26b. An alteration that does not prejudicially affect any party liable will be regarded as immaterial, and will not render the deed void: Waugh v Bussell (1812) 5 taunt 707. See also Bond; Cancellation; Deed; Immaterial alteration; Interlineation; Obligee; Void.
Succession - Any change or modification made to a will by writing in additional words, making insertions or interlineations, or by deleting or obliterating some words. In wills, alterations are presumed to have been made after execution. Unless duly executed by the proper formalities of will-making (subject to the court’s power to dispense with formalities), or proved to have been made prior to execution, alterations in a will are of no effect: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 16. Where there appears in a will any alteration which is not authenticated in the manner prescribed by the Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) or by the reexecution of the will or by the execution of a codicil, the Registrar shall require evidence to show whether the alteration was present at the time the will was executed and shall give directions as to the form in which the will is to be proved, unless the alteration appears to the Registrar to be of no practical importance: Non-contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 12. See also Dispensing power; Formalities; Interlineation; Obliteration.
建造及建築 - 修改包括所有對建築物的結構工作,但不包括完全的豎立或毀壞:Customs and Excise Cmrs v Viva Gas Appliances Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 112(高等法院)。如建築物已經豎立或建築工作、街道工作已經或正在進行但違反《建築物條例》,則建築事務監督有可能要求上述已改變的建築物、建築工作或街道工作等遵守《建築物條例》的規定,或停止違反的行為:《建築物條例》(第123章)第24(1)(c)、30及31條;《建築物(私家街道及通路)規例》規例26。另見 Building works。
契據 - 就契據或債券而言,文字上的修改,不論是行間書寫、附加、擦除或劃掉。在未有簽署前,對契據上的文字可以作任何改變,而不會影響該契據的有效性。以往在契據執行後對該契據作出的重大修改,或在契據執行後由受義務人作出的非重大修改,使該契據於作出修改的一刻起變成無效:Pigot’s case [1558-1774] All ER Rep 50, 77 ER 1177, (1614) 11 Co Rep 26b, (1614) 11 Co Rep 26b。若修改不損及負有法律責任的任何一方,則該修改會被視為不重大的修改,而不會使該契據無效:Waugh v Bussell (1812) 5 taunt 707。另見 Bond; Cancellation; Deed; Immaterial alteration; Interlineation; Obligee; Void。
繼承 - 在遺囑上藉以下方式所作出的改變或修改:寫上附加的文字、載入資料、行間書寫,或刪除或塗去若干文字。在遺囑內的修改,當作是在遺囑執行後作出。除非妥為執行正確程序(在符合法庭免除該程序的權力下),或證明修改是在遺囑執行前作出,否則在遺囑內的修改屬無效:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第16條。如在遺囑上任何的修改並無以《遺囑條例》(第30章)所訂明的方式或以重新簽立遺囑或以簽立遺囑更改附件的形式認證為真確,則司法常務官須要求提出證據,以證明該等更改於遺囑簽立時是否已存在,司法常務官並須就證明遺囑的方式作出指示,隨非司法常務官覺得修改是無實際的重要性:《無爭議遺囑認證規則》(第30A章)第12條規則。另見 Dispensing power; Formalities; Interlineation; Obliteration。n.




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