

单词 Presiding member
释义 主持聆訊的成員
The member of a tribunal or commission whose functions include directing proceedings or hearings conducted by the body. A tribunal or commission is usually constituted with a presiding member. The jurisdiction of the Lands Tribunal shall be exercised by one or more of its members and in respect of any proceedings before a tribunal consisting of more than one member, it shall be presided over by the senior sitting member, unless the President or failing him, a presiding officer, expressly designates another member to preside at the hearing: Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17) s 9(1). It shall be sufficient if any document made or issued by the Lands Tribunal is signed by the presiding member or registrar: s 9(8). See also Senior member.
審裁處或委員會成員,其職能包括指示在其機構進行的法律程序或聆訊。審裁處或委員會一般由一名主持聆訊的成員構成。土地審裁的司法管轄權須由一名或多於一名審裁處成員行使,而就在多於一名成員組成的審裁處席前進行的法律程序而言,審裁處須由出席的成員中資歷較高的成員主持聆訊,但如庭長或(在庭長沒有出席的情況下)法官明確指定另一名成員主持聆訊,則屬例外:《土地審裁處條例》(第17章)第9(1)條。審裁處所擬備或發出的文件,如由主持聆訊的成員或司法常務官簽署,即已足夠:第9(8)條。另見 Senior member。




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