

单词 Term of imprisonment
释义 監禁刑期
In criminal law, a period of custody served by a person less any period of remission where relevant. The duration of the term depends on the seriousness of the offence or offences and can be either consecutive or concurrent. However, only if the overall effect of consecutive sentences is too long would a part of the sentence be ordered to run concurrently: HKSAR v Lau Ping Him [2001] 4 HKC 214 (CA). In Hong Kong, no sentence of imprisonment passed by the District Court may exceed seven years in respect of one offence and where two or more consecutive terms of imprisonment are imposed by the court, the aggregate of those terms of imprisonment may not exceed seven years: District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) s 82(1), (2)(a). See also Imprisonment; Sentence.
在刑事法,指由一人服刑的羈押期間,在適用的情況,則會扣除減刑期。有關刑期的持續時間取決於所觸犯罪行的嚴重性,而監禁刑期可以是分期或同時執行。但僅會在分期執行刑罰的整體影響深廣的情況下,才會作出部分刑罰同期執行的命令:HKSAR v Lau Ping Him [2001] 4 HKC 214(上訴法庭)。在香港,區域法院就一項罪行所判處的監禁刑期不得超逾7年,而如區域法院判處2項或多於2項分期執行的監禁刑期,則刑期合計不得超逾7年:《區域法院條例》(第336章)第82(1)及(2)(a)條。另見 Imprisonment; Sentence。




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