

单词 Presumption of yearly hiring
释义 僱用一年推定
The principle that where a contract of employment is silent as to the duration of the employment, the contract is for hiring the employee for a year, whether the contract was oral or in writing, and whether or not it was a renewal of a previous contract: Cayme v Allan, Jones & Co (1919) 35 TLR 453 (DC). However, this no longer applies: Richardson v Koefod [1969] 3 All ER 1264, [1969] 1 WLR 1812 (CA). Contracts which on this approach were from their nature considered as being intended to be determinable were contracts involving trust and confidence, delegation of authority, personal relations between the parties, and the necessity for mutual satisfaction with their conduct: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [115.338]. See also Contract of employment; Reasonable notice.
一項僱傭合約的原則,即如某僱傭合約沒有提及受僱的期限,則不論該合約是口頭的還是書面的,亦不論該合約是否前一合約的續約,該合約的期限為1 年:Cayme v Allan, Jones & Co (1919) 35 TLR 453(英國地方法院)。但這個原則已不再適用:Richardson v Koefod [1969] 3 All ER 1264, [1969] 1 WLR 1812 (英國上訴法院)。此種合約形式從性質上考慮,其用意為可終結的,合約並牽涉信賴及信用,權限的轉授,合約各方之間的個人關係,以及在行為上的相互滿意:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第[115.338]段。另見 Contract of employment; Reasonable notice。




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