

单词 Bilateral air service agreement
释义 雙邊民用航空運輸協定
An agreement between two countries (or regions) that gives authority to their respective aircraft to fly over the territory of the other country. The Government of the Hong Kong SAR may exchange the right to operate scheduled commercial air services into and over each other’s territory by way of bilateral air services agreement: Basic Law art 133. See also Airspace; Arbitration clause; Arrangement.
兩國(或地區)相互協定,賦權各自的航空器可飛越另一方區域。香港特別行政區政府可藉雙邊民用航空運輸協定,與其他區域互換經營商業航空運輸專線及過境的權利:基本法第133條。另見 Airspace; Arbitration clause; Arrangement。




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