

单词 Set-off
释义 互相抵銷
A claim made by a defendant against a plaintiff by way of defence and cross claim. See also Counterclaim; Cross claim; Equitable set off; Third party notice.
Bankruptcy - 1. A claim by a debtor against a creditor that operates to reduce or extinguish the debt. Where there have been mutual credits, mutual debts or other mutual dealings between a bankrupt and any other person proving or claiming to prove a debt under the bankruptcy order, an account shall be taken of what is due from the parties in respect of the mutual dealings and the sum due from one party shall be set off against any sum due from the other party: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 35. A person is not entitled to claim the benefit of any set-off if at the time of giving credit to the bankrupt had notice that a petition for bankruptcy had been presented. This statutory right of set-off is automatic and mandatory, and cannot be excluded by any prior agreement between the parties and not dependent upon any step taken by any of the parties: National Westminster Bank Ltd v Halesowen Presswork and Assemblies Ltd [1972] AC 785; William Young Hong Yui & Ors v Bank of Credit and Commerce Hong Kong Ltd (CACV 185/93, unreported). There can be no set-off of claims by third parties even with their consent: Morris v Rayners Enterprises Incorporated; Morris v Agrichemicals Ltd [1998] BPIR 211 (HL). See also Act of bankruptcy; Bankruptcy; Debtor.
Corporations - The reduction of the debt claimed by a creditor to the extent of any amount owed by that creditor to the debtor. Legal set-off is confined to debts which at the time when the defence of set-off is filed are due and payable and either liquidated or in sum capable of ascertainment without valuation or estimation. Before a set off is permitted, it has to be established that the subject matter of the counterclaim is the same or closely connected with that of the claim, ie the cross-claim should flow from the dealings and transactions which gave rise to the subject matter of the claim: Townearn Industrial Ltd v Golden Globe Holdings Ltd [2003] 1 HKC 186. There must be ‘mutuality’ between the claim and counter-claim, which, for the purposes of legal set-off, referred to two characteristics, that the demands must be between the same parties, and that they must be held in the same capacity, or right, or interest. It was concerned with the status of the parties and their relationship to each other and not with the nature of the claims: Re Finbo Engineering Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 480. The right of set-off can be included and excluded by use of clear words in contract: Gilbert-Ash (Northern) Ltd v Modern Engineering (Bristol) Ltd [1974] AC 689. The right is usually triggered by an express mechanism, which must be strictly followed: Hermcrest plc v G Percy Trentham Ltd (1991) 53 BLR 108. For example, the contractual provisions between a bank and its customers make it clear that (1) they have the right of set-off; and (2) the right of set-off survives any death of the customer: Hu Kee Pui & Anor v Dah Sing Bank Ltd [2000] 3 HKLRD 734. See also Proof of debt; Winding up.
Equity - A plea in answer that a defendant has a countervailing claim against a plaintiff which absolves the defendant from liability, wholly or partially. The cross-demands should compensate each other, by deducting the lesser sum from the greater, and the difference was the only sum which was justly due. Equity did not allow set-off as between mutual independent debts generally; in addition to the existence of cross-demands it was necessary that there should be some special equity to call for a set-off: Miles v Wakefield Metropolitan District Council [1987] AC 539, 1 All ER 1089 (HL). Equitable set-off is not available if it arose after the action was begun: Edmunds v Lloyd Italico e L’Ancora Cia di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni SpA [1986] 2 All ER 249, 1 WLR 492 (CA). The defence of set-off is available not only against a monetary claim but also where the claim in the proceedings is for relief other than money, including equitable relief such as specific performance, if the other relief is dependent on the non-payment of a money claim to which there is an equitable right of set-off: BICC plc v Burndy Corp [1985] Ch 232, 1 All ER 417 (CA). The right to set-off also exists at equity, even where the debt owed is based on statute: Re Finbo Engineering Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 480. See also Equitable set-off.
被告人在針對原告人的情況下,藉抗辯及交相申索的方式作出的申索。 另見 Counterclaim; Cross claim; Equitable set off; Third party notice。
破產 - 由債務人針對債權人作出的申索,有減少或終絕債務的作用。凡根據《破產條例》針對某破產人作出破產令,而任何其他人根據該破產令證明債權或聲稱有權證明債權,則在破產人及該人之間如有相互信貸、相互債項或其他相互交易,須就該等相互交易中一方欠另一方的款額作出結算,而一方所欠的款項須以另一方欠他的款項抵銷:《破產條例》(第6章)第35條。如一人在向破產人作出信貸時,知悉他/她已提出破產呈請,則該人不得享有申索任何抵銷利益的權利。此法定抵銷權自動運作及屬強制性,當事人之間不可憑藉任何事先給予的協議排除,及並非取決於任何當事人採取的步驟:National Westminster Bank Ltd v Halesowen Presswork and Assemblies Ltd [1972] AC 785; William Young Hong Yiu and others v Bank of Credit and Commerce Hong Kong Ltd (民事上訴,93年第185號, 未經彙報)。即使第三方同意,該第三方亦不可抵銷申索 :Morris v Rayners Enterprises Incorporated; Morris v Agrichemicals Ltd [1998] BPIR 211(上議院)。另見 Act of bankruptcy; Bankruptcy; Debtor。
法團 -   減少由債權人申索的債務,以由該債權人欠下債務人的任何款額為限。法律上的抵銷限於抵銷抗辯存檔時,到期並須予支付的債務,有關的債務可以是已算定的款額或在沒有估值或預計下,可予以確定的款額。在准予一項抵銷前,須證明反申索的標的事項與申索的標的事項相同或緊密關連,即反申索應由產生申索的標的事項的交易所致:Townearn Industrial Ltd v Golden Globe Holdings Ltd [2003] 1 HKC 186。申索與反申索之間必須有「相互作用」,為施行法律上的抵銷,「相互作用」指兩項特徵,即有關的索求必須是相同當事人之間的索求,及必須以相同的身份或權利或利益持有。所關注的是當事人的地位及其相互的關係,而非申索的性質:Re Finbo Engineering Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 480。可在合約使用清晰的詞語包括或排除抵銷權:Gilbert-Ash (Northern) Ltd v Modern Engineering (Bristol) Ltd [1974] AC 689。抵銷權通常是由必須嚴格遵守的明示方式引起:Hermcrest plc v G Percy Trentham Ltd (1991) 53 BLR 108。例如銀行及其客戶之間的合約條文訂明 (1) 他們有抵銷權;及 (2) 在任何客戶死亡時,抵銷權仍然存在:Hu Kee Pui v Dah Sing Bank Ltd [2000] 3 HKLRD 734。另見 Proof of debt; Winding up。
衡平法 -  回應被告有針對原告的抵銷申索的答辯,有關的抵銷申索可免除被告完全或局部的法律責任。藉減除較大款額的較少款額,交相的索求應可相互賠償,而有關的差額是唯一確實到期的款額。衡平法一般不准予相互獨立債務之間的抵銷;除交相的索求的存在外,還須有若干特別的衡平法以申索抵銷:Miles v Wakefield Metropolitan District Council [1987] AC 539, 1 All ER 1089 (上議院)。如在訴訟開始後才產生,則衡平法上的抵銷不可用:Edmunds v Lloyd Italico e L’Ancora Cia di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni SpA [1986] 2 All ER 249, 1 WLR 492 (英國上訴法院)。如其他濟助依賴金錢申索的不付款(在其中可產生衡平法上的抵銷權),則抵銷的抗辯不僅適用於針對金錢方面的申索,也適用於在法律程序上,為金錢以外的濟助的申索,包括衡平法上的濟助例如強制履行:BICC plc v Burndy Corp [1985] Ch 232, 1 All ER 417 (英國上訴法院)。即使是根據法例欠下債項,抵銷權仍存在於衡平法:Re Finbo Engineering Co Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 480。另見 Equitable set-off。




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