

单词 Floating charge
释义 浮動押記
A general charge over the assets of a company granted by the company to a lender. It is a particular form of security not involving specific pieces of property. Thus, a company (‘chargor’) may raise finance by granting a floating charge over its assets to the lender (‘chargee’) . Certain events such as the cessation of the chargor’s business and the appointment of a receiver may crystallise the charge. Upon crystallisation, the charge on the company’s property becomes a fixed or specific charge: Land Registration Ordinance (Cap 128) s 2A. A floating charge includes a charge that conferred a floating security at the time of its creation but which has since become a fixed or specific charge. The question of priorities is governed by the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 56A and Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) ss 79, 256. Also known as a ‘floating security’. See also Fixed charge; Floating charge purchase.
由公司授予貸款人在有關公司的資產上作出的一般押記。浮動押記屬不涉及任何特定財產的特別抵押形式。因此,公司(即「押記人」)可透過在其資產上向貸款人(即「承押記人」)授予浮動押記而籌措資金。某些事件可使押記具體化,例如押記人的業務停業和委任接管人。公司財產上的押記在具體化時即變成固定押記或特定押記:《土地註冊條例》(第128章)第2A條。浮動押記包括在設定該項押記時賦予浮動抵押的押記、但其後變成固定押記或特定押記。優先權的問題受《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第56A條及《公司條例》(第32章)第79條及第256條規管。另稱「浮動抵押」。另見 Fixed charge; Floating charge purchase。




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