

单词 Settlement
释义 授產安排/和解

A disposition of property; the compromise or resolution of a claim or dispute.
Practice and procedure - The compromise of a claim. When a matter has settled, the parties have reached some kind of agreement and no longer require the court to deliberate between them. There are various forms and methods which the parties can utilise to settle a threatened action or pending proceedings, including: (1) a settlement by way of contract before or after action is commenced; (2) a consent judgment, being an agreement to enter judgment by consent; (3) an agreement for the defendant to submit to judgment; (4) a ‘Tomlin’ order, being an order by consent to stay proceedings; and (5) an order by consent for the action to be dismissed, discontinued or withdrawn. It is for the parties to choose the most appropriate form and method to settle the matter, taking into account the terms which they have agreed to ensure that the settlement should not itself cause fresh disputes or litigation: McCallum v Country Residences Ltd [1965] 2 All ER 264, 1 WLR 657. However, there is nothing contractual about payment into court, which is a wholly procedural matter and is not truly analogous to an out-of-court settlement arranged between the parties: Cumper v Pothecary [1941] 2 KB 58. In certain categories of cases or circumstances involving a public interest element, the parties may not settle the proceedings or any questions in disagreement without the court’s approval or sanction. These cases or circumstances include matters concerning or relating to: (1) persons under disability (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 80 r 10); (2) actions concerning the estate of a deceased person or trust property or the construction of a written instrument (O 15 r 13); (3) actions by representative parties; (4) actions for defamation, malicious prosecution or false imprisonment in which it is desired to make a statement in open court in terms approved by the judge (O 82 r 5); and (5) insolvency proceedings. Where a settlement or compromise is entered into with one of two joint tortfeasors (or persons jointly liable for breach of contract), the other joint tortfeasor (or person jointly liable for breach of contact) may still be sued for any outstanding liability unless the settlement or compromise provides otherwise: Civil Liability (Contribution) Ordinance (Cap 377) s 7; Chien Ngan Sang v Lai Kam Hing & Anor [2002] 2 HKC 448. See also Case management; Compromise; Consent judgment; Consent order; Payment into court; Tomlin order.
Succession - 1. Any non-testamentary disposition in writing, whether made voluntarily or upon a good or valuable consideration other than a bona fide pecuniary consideration, whereby any definite and certain property is settled or agreed to be settled in any manner for any purpose whatsoever: Estate Duty Ordinance (Cap 111) s 3. 2. A deed creating successive interests in property at the time of disposition or present rights in future possession. See also Beneficiary; Disposition.
Trusts - A procedure by which a person (the ‘settlor’) can create a trust. The settlor disposes of his or her interest in the property by vesting the property in a trustee, following necessary steps to pass the legal interest to the trustee, and the trustee agrees to hold the property subject to trusts for nominated beneficiaries. The settlor must intended to create a trust if it is to be enforceable in a court of equity: Vandervell v IRC [1967] 2 AC 291. See also Beneficiary; Settlor; Trust; Trustee.

成規和程序 -   申索的妥協。如事項已和解,當事人已達致若干類別的協議,及再不須法院審議他們之間的事項。當事人可使用不同的方式解決威脅性的行動或待決的法律程序,包括(1) 在訴訟展開前或之後藉合約和解;(2) 在同意下作出的判決,即藉同意登錄判決的協議;(3) 被告接受判決的協議;(4)藉同意擱置法律程序的‘Tomlin’ 命令;及(5)藉同意撤銷、中止或撤回訴訟的命令。當事人可選擇最適當的方式解決有關的事項,顧及他們已同意的條款,以確保有關的和解本身不應導致新的糾紛或訴訟:McCallum v County Residences Ltd [1965] 2 All ER 264, 1 WLR 657。但向法院支付款項則非合約所訂明,這完全是程序上的事項,並非確實等於當事人之間安排的法庭以外的和解:Cumper v Pothecary [1941] 2 KB 58。在若干涉及公眾利益元素的案件或情況種類,當事人在沒有得到法院批准或許可的情況下,不可就有關的法律程序或任何不同意的爭議點予以和解。這些案件或情況包括關於下列的事項:(1)由無行為能力的人作出的妥協(《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第80號命令第10條規則);(2)關於死者的遺產或信託財產或文書的解釋的訴訟(第15號命令第13條規則);(3)代表當事人的訴訟;(4)為誹謗,惡意檢控或非法禁錮而提出的訴訟,如欲在公開法庭作出陳述,則必須向法庭提出申請,並取得陳述將在其席前作出的法官批准(第82號命令第5條規則);及(5) 無力償債的法律程序。除非有關的和解或妥協另有規定之外,否則如與兩位共同侵權人的其中一人訂立和解或妥協(或對違約有共同法律責任的人),其他共同侵權人(或對違約有共同法律責任的人)仍可被起訴任何未未清繳負債:《民事責任(分擔)條例》(第377章)第7條; Chien Ngan Sang v Lai Kam Hing [2002] 2 HKC 448。另見 Case management; Compromise; Consent judgment; Consent order; Payment into court; Tomlin order。
繼承 -   1. 指任何以書面作出屬非遺囑性質的產權處置,藉以將任何明確而肯定的財產按任何方式並為任何目的而授予或協議授予;上述產權處置,可屬無償作出的,或屬按良好或有值代價而作出的,而非屬按真正金錢代價而作出的:《遺產稅條例》(第111章)第3條。2. 在處置產權時或在將來管有的現行權益,於財物產生繼承權益的契據。另見 Beneficiary; Disposition。
信託 -   一人(財產授予人)可產生信託的程序。財產授予人藉歸予受託人財物於有關的財物處置其權益,隨後接著轉移法律上的權益予受託人所需的步驟,而有關的受託人在不抵觸為提名受益人持有的情況下,同意持有有關的財物。如欲有關的信託可在衡平法法院強制執行,則財產授予人必須有意圖產生信託:Vandervell v IRC [1967] 2 AC 291。另見 Beneficiary; Settlor; Trust; Trustee。n.





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