

单词 Severance payment
释义 遣散費
An amount of money payable by an employer to an employee where the employee has been employed under a continuous contract for not less than 24 months and is dismissed by reason of redundancy, or is laid off: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) ss 31B(1), 31E. The amount of severance payment is calculated by allowing, in case of a monthly rated employee, two-thirds of the last full month’s wages, or two-thirds of $22,500, whichever is less; and, in any other case, 18 days’ wages, or two-thirds of $22,500, whichever is less, for every year of employment under a continuous contract by his employer, and pro rata as respects an incomplete year, subject to a specified maximum payment: s 31G, sch 7.
凡僱員在有關日期前,根據連續性合約受僱一段不少於24個月的期間,但因裁員而遭解僱;或被停工,則僱主須支付予僱員的款額:《僱傭條例》 (第57章) 第31B(1)及31E條。 遣散費款額,須按以下方法計算─(a) 如屬按月計薪的僱員,則根據連續性合約為僱主工作每滿一年(不足一年者按比例計算),可獲其最後一個月全月工資的三分之二,或$22500的三分之二,兩者以較小款額為準;及(b)如屬其他情況的僱員,則根據連續性合約為該僱主工作每滿一年(不足一年者按比例計算),可獲18天工資,或$22500的三分之二,兩者以較小款額為準,但不得超過指明的最高限額:第31G條及附表 7。




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