

单词 Several promise
释义 各別的承諾
1. A promise made by two or more co-promisors which is cumulative, so that if it takes the form ‘A separately promises C, and B separately promises C, to pay C $1000’, then A and B each promise to pay $1000, that is, $2000 in all. 2. A promise made to two or more co-promisees which is cumulative, being of the form ‘A promises B to pay B $1000 and A promises C to pay C $1000’, there being two promises, obliging A to pay $2000 in all. See also Co-promisee; Co-promisor; Joint and several promise; Joint promise.

 1. 由兩個或以上的共同許諾人作出的累積承諾,因而如形式是 「甲方分開承諾丙方,而乙方分開承諾丙方,以支付丙方 $1000」,即甲方和 B各承諾支付$1000,合計$2000。 2. 向兩個或以上的共同承諾人作出的累積承諾,形式為「甲方承諾乙方支付乙方$ 1000,及甲方承諾丙方支付丙方$1000」,鑒於有兩項承諾,迫使甲方合計支付 $2000。另見 Co-promisee; Co-promisor; Joint and several promise; Joint promise。





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