

单词 Several liability
释义 各別法律責任
Legal responsibility which is divisible or separable; liability capable of being severed, separated, or divided between two or more tortfeasors so that each tortfeasor is only partially responsible for the damage caused. Joint and several tortfeasors may be jointly and severally liable in tort in respect of the same injury to another person or property. Liability is several when a person injured by two or more tortfeasors has the option of suing each of the tortfeasors separately in distinct for their contribution to the damage. Where the torfeasors are jointly liable, the injured party sues them as a group or joins several tortfeasors as co-defendants in the one action. See also Concurrent liability; Concurrent tortfeasors; Several concurrent tortfeasors.
可分割及分開的法律責任;可在兩個或以上的侵權人分割、分開或攤分的法律責任,因而每一侵權人只須為其導致的損害部分負責。共同及各別的侵權人可在侵權法,就其導致他人或財物的相同傷害有共同及各別的法律責任。如被兩個或以上侵權人傷害的人有權選擇分開起訴每一侵權人,以就其導致的獨立損害起訴,則可分割法律責任。如侵權人共同有法律責任,受傷害的一方可在一法律行動以組別或連同各別的侵權人為共同被告起訴他們。另見Concurrent liability; Concurrent tortfeasors; Several concurrent tortfeasors。




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