

单词 Severability
释义 合約中可分割的權利義務
A principle of interpretation which relates to the independence of part of a statute or contract allowing it to be removed from the main instrument, without undermining the integrity of the instrument as a whole. For example, in relation to severability of statute, unless the invalid part is inextricably interconnected with the valid, a court is entitled to set aside or disregard the invalid part, leaving the rest intact: A-G v Cheung King Chow [1990] 1 HKLR 659. It may be appropriate to sever what is invalid if the character of what remains is unaffected: R v St Edmundsbury Borough Council, ex p Investors in Industry Commercial Properties Ltd [1985] 3 All ER 234,. See also Severance.
關於部分法規和合約獨立性的釋義的原則,在不破壞有關文件整體的完整性的情況下,准予刪除主要法律文件的有關部分。例如就法規的可分割的權利義務而言,除非無效的部分與有效的部分分不開地相互連接,否則法院有權取消或不予理會無效的部分,從而使其餘的部分完好無缺:A-G v Cheung King Chow [1990] 1 HKLR 659。如剩餘部分的特性不受影響,分割無效的部分或許適當:R v St Edmundsbury Borough Council, ex p Investors in Industry Commercial Properties Ltd [1985] 3 All ER 234, 1 WLR 1168。另見 Severance。n.




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