

单词 Bill of special crossing
释义 有特別劃線的匯票
A cheque that bears two parallel transverse lines across the front of the cheque (with or without the addition of the words ‘not negotiable’ between the lines), and with the name of the banker specified on the face of the cheque: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) ss 76(1)(b), (2). See also Crossed cheque; Crossing.
於票面上加添兩條平行橫線的支票(不論在兩線中間有無 ‘not negotiable’(不可轉讓)的字樣),及在支票的票面上加添任何銀行名稱﹕《匯票條例》(第19章)第76(1)(b),(2)條。另見 Crossed cheque; Crossing。




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