

单词 Prospectus
释义 招股章程、招股書
A written notice or other instrument, such as notice, circular, brochure, advertisement, or other document (1) offering any shares or debentures of a company to the public for subscription or purchase for cash or other consideration; or (2) calculated to invite offers by the public to subscribe for or purchase for cash or other consideration any shares or debentures of a company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 2(1). It is a set of formal documents which have to be filed with the relevant authorities when a company offers its securities to the public: Sabine Corporate Finance – Flotations, Equity Issues and Acquisitions (2nd Ed, Butterworths, 1993) p 41. The responsibility for the vetting of prospectuses in Hong Kong falls on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in the case of a prospectus issued in connection with the subsequent listing of the securities on the Stock Exchange, and on the Securities and Futures Commission in all other cases: Listing Rules r 11A.04. The contents of the prospectus are regulated by the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 38 and sch III. See also Hawking of securities; Securities; Supplementary prospectus.
指(1) 就公司的股份或債權證向公眾作出要約,供公眾以現金或其他代價認購或購買;或(2) 旨在邀請公眾作出以現金或其他代價認購或購買公司的股份或債權證的要約的指招股章程、通知、通告、冊子、廣告或其他文件:《公司條例》(第32章)第2條。在香港,由已在香港證券交易所上市的公司所發行的招股章程,審查的責任屬香港證券交易所,而其餘的一切情況,責任則屬證券及期貨事務監督委員會:《上市規則》第11A.04條。招股章程的內容由《公司條例》(第32章)第38條及附表III作出規管。另見 Hawking of securities; Securities; Supplementary prospectus。n.




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