

单词 Gun
释义 槍枝/槍
A weapon consisting of a metal tube (‘barrel’) through which a projectile is forced by the expansion of gases resulting from the explosion of a chemical compound (such as gunpowder) within the weapon’s chamber. Gun is deemed to be loaded arms although the attempt to discharge the same may fail from want of proper priming or from any other cause: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 18. Gun is within the definition of ‘air gun’ and is subject to the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228) and Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap 238). See also Firearm; Weapon.
由金屬管(「槍管」)組成的武器,由於在其彈膛內的化學合成物(例如火藥)爆炸,造成氣體擴張,因而令投射彈射出。槍枝即使因起爆火藥充填不當或其他因由可能使發射的企圖不遂,亦當作為上膛槍械:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第18條。槍包含在「氣槍」的定義中,並受《簡易程序治罪條例》(第228章)和《火器及彈藥條例》(第238章)規管。另見 Firearm; Weapon。n.




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