

单词 Propound
释义 提呈
To put or set forth or propose for consideration. Propound is used in succession law in the phrase to ‘propound a will’ or to prove a will when the validity of the will is in dispute, which involves bringing a probate action to obtain a grant in solemn form: Re Muirhead [1971] P 263, [1971] 1 All ER 609. See also Grant in common form; Grant of probate; Proof of a will.
發出或發表或建議考慮因素。提呈在繼承法的 提呈遺囑用語使用或在遺囑的有效性受爭議時, 用以證明遺囑, 這牽涉帶出遺囑認證訴訟, 以取得嚴謹法律形式授權證: Re Muirhead [1971] P 263, [1971] 1 All ER 609。另見 Grant in common form; Grant of probate; Proof of a will。v.




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