

单词 Writer
释义 賣方
The seller of equity derivatives such as option contracts. The purchase (taker) pays a consideration to the seller (writer) and receives the right under the equity derivatives. A person who is the writer of equity derivatives is taken to have an interest in shares which are the underlying shares of the equity derivatives if, by virtue of his writing of the equity derivatives, (a) he has a right to require another person to deliver the underlying shares to him; (b) he is under an obligation to take delivery of the underlying shares; (c) he has a right to receive from another person an amount if the price of the underlying shares increases; or (d) he has a right to avoid or reduce a loss if the price of the underlying shares increases, before or on a certain date or within a certain period, whether in any case the right or obligation is conditional or absolute: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) ss 322(8), 354(8). See also Balance sheet; Option contract.
期權合約等股本衍生工具的賣方。買方(買方)向賣方(賣方)支付代價,並以此獲得股本衍生工具所賦予的權利。任何股本衍生工具的賣方如憑藉售賣該等工具而— (a) 有權要求另一人向他交付該等工具的相關股份;(b) 有義務提取該等相關股份;(c) 在該等相關股份的價格上升的情況下,有權從另一人收取一筆款項;或(d) 在該等相關股份的價格在某日期或之前或某期間內上升的情況下,有權避免或減少損失,則不論上述權利或義務是否在任何情況下附有條件,他均須視為擁有屬該等相關股份的股份的權益:《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第322(8)及254(8)條。另見 Balance sheet; Option contract。n.




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