

单词 Presumption of legitimacy
释义 婚生推定
The presumption that a child is legitimate if he is born in wedlock. The presumption of law as to a child’s legitimacy arising by virtue of the marriage of the child’s mother at a time related to the conception or birth of the child may be rebutted by proof on a balance of probabilities: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 5(3). This presumption applies in the case of a void or voidable marriage as it does in the case of a valid marriage: s 5(4). A child born as a result of a woman receiving artificial insemination will be protected by the presumption of legitimacy. Unless the husband can show that he did not consent to the wife receiving artificial insemination, he will be regarded as the father of the child: s 10(2). Where there was no scientific evidence or evidence from the parents, the question of whether a person was the lawful and natural child of his parents must be approached from a common sense point of view, having regard to the evidence available and all the relevant circumstances in the light of the presumption of legitimacy; the starting point must be the conduct of the parents: Kwan Chui Kwok Ying & Anor v Tao Wai Chun & Ors [1995] 1 HKC 374 (HC). See also Bastard.
非婚生的子女乃婚生的推定。任何關於一名子女的婚生地位的法律推定,若是憑藉該子女的母親是次受孕時或該子女出生時有關的婚姻而產生的,可在證明並非如此的可能性較高時予以推翻:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第5(3)條。丈夫或妻子就證明是否有在任何期間行房的證據可在訴訟中被接納為證據《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第52(1) (NOTE: REPEALED)條。此推定適用於無效婚姻或可使無效婚姻,猶如其適用於有效婚姻一樣:第5(4)條。因婦女接受人工受精而出生的小孩亦受婚生推定的保護。除非能證明丈夫不同意其妻子接受人工受精,否則該名丈夫會被視為該子女的父親。第10條。另見 Bastard。




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