

单词 Alteration of property interests
释义 財產權益的更改
A phrase used in reference to an order which the Family Court has statutory power to make in proceedings with respect to property of the parties to a marriage. An order altering the interests of the parties in the property includes an order for a settlement of property in substitution for any interest in the matrimonial property, and an order requiring either or both parties to make, for the benefit of either or both of the parties or a child of the marriage, such settlement or transfer of property as the court determines: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 6. However, the court has no jurisdiction to recommend the Housing Authority to transfer an existing tenancy of public housing to another party: Chan Wei Yin v Cheong Shun Chiu [1993] 2 HKLR 485 (CA). See also Settlement.
家事法庭在聆訊中就婚姻雙方的財產所作出的命令。一項更改雙方財產權益的命令包括授產安排替代婚姻財產的任何權益,及一方或雙方為一方、雙方或家庭子女的利益而作出按法庭所指定的授產安排或財產轉讓:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第6條。但法庭沒有司法管轄權建議房委會將一個公屋單位的現存租約轉予另一方:Chan Wei Yin v Cheong Shun Chiu [1993] 2 HKLR 485(上訴法院)。另見 Settlement。




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