

单词 Time at large
释义 時限已過

In building and construction law, the situation in which (1) a building contractor is prevented from completing by the time specified in the contract by an act of the employer or an act for which the employer is responsible under the contract such as a breach of contract but which does not have to extend to ordering additional or varied work (Balfour Beatty Building Ltd v Chestermount Properties Ltd (1993) 62 BLR 1); (2) a building contract contains provisions enabling the time for completion to be extended and thus to preserve the right to damages for failure to complete on time (Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v McKinney Foundations Ltd (1970) 69 LGR 1, 1 BLR 114 (CA), notwithstanding the occurrence of an act of prevention, and either (a) the act of prevention which occurs is not one which enables time to be extended; or (b) the machinery for extending time has not been operated properly (or cannot be saved by, for example, the operation of an arbitration clause) or cannot be operated at all because the architect or engineer has not been appointed or reappointed to determine the amount of the extension of time. See also Building contract; Contractor; Practical completion; Prevention principle; Proprietor; Time stipulation.
就建築物及建造法而言,指以下的情況(1)建築承建商被有關僱主的行為、或僱主根據合約須負責任的行為例如違約而阻礙在合約指定的時間竣工,但不須引伸而適用於預定額外或不同的工程 (Balfour Beatty Building Ltd v Chestermount Properties Ltd (1993) 62 BLR 1); (2) 建造合約載有容許可延長竣工時間的條文,因而儘管有阻礙行為的發生,仍可保留因未能按時竣工而追討損害賠償的權利 (Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v McKinney Foundations Ltd (1970) 69 LGR 1, 1 BLR 114(英國上訴法院),此外,(a) 發生的阻礙行為並非是容許延長時間的;或(b) 延長時間的機制並未妥為施行(或例如不可由仲裁條款的施行而予以排除)或因為未曾委任或再委任有關的建築師或工程師以決定延長時間的程度而不可施行。另見 Building contract; Contractor; Practical completion; Prevention principle; Proprietor; Time stipulation。





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