

单词 Aunt
释义 姑母/姨母

Lat – amita - a father’s sister. The sister of one’s father or mother (an aunt by consanguinity) or the wife of one’s uncle by blood (an aunt by affinity). This term is within the meaning of ‘relative’ in relation to an infant, be it an aunt of the full blood, of the half blood or by affinity: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 2. See also Adoption; Affinity; Nephew; Niece.
拉丁語 – amita - 父親的姐妹。某人的父親或母親的姊妹(有姻親關係的姑母/姨母)。就幼年人而言,該詞是在「親屬」的定義,不論是全血親、半血親或有姻親關係的伯母/叔母/舅母/姨母:《領養條例》(第290章)第2條。另見 Adoption; Affinity; Nephew; Niece。n.





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