

单词 Time bar
释义 時限/訴訟時限

A clause or condition which limits the time within which an action may be taken under a contract. For example, arbitration agreements may contain a clause which requires a certain act to be completed within a specified period, and which provides that if that act is not done, either the claim or the ability to commence an arbitration will be barred. There are two types of contractual time-bar: claim-barring clause, and remedy-barring clause. ‘Claim-barring clauses’, which bar the claim, operate in the same way as a statutory time-bar: Alma Shipping Corp v Union of India, The Astraea [1971] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 494. If the act required by the clause is not done, the claimant cannot succeed on his substantive claim. ‘Remedy-barring clauses’, which bar the ability to commence an arbitration, do not have the effect of barring the substantive claim: Hardwick Game Farm v Suffolk Agricultural and Poultry Producers’ Assn Ltd (HL) [1968] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 547; [1969] 2 AC 31, [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 227. The claimant may still pursue that claim through other avenues, such as the High Court, but may not commence an arbitration. Reference in the Rules of the High Court to extending a time-bar must apply to extending a procedural limit only: Win’s Marine Trading Co v Wan Hai Lines (HK) Ltd [1999] 3 HKC 701. Provided it is clearly expressed and unequivocal, a time bar will be given effect: Aries Tanker Corp v Total Transport Ltd [1977] 1 All ER 398, 1 WLR 185 (HL). See also Arbitration.
限制在指定的時間內可根據有關合約作出若干行為的條款或條件。例如仲裁協議可載有規定在指定時間內完成若干行為的條款,而該條款則規定,如沒有作出該等行為,則展開仲裁的申索或能力會被中止。有兩類合約上的時限/訴訟時限:申索時限條款及補救時限條款。會中止申索的「申索時限條款」與法定的時限/訴訟時限以相同的方法實施: Alma Shipping Corp v Union of India, The Astraea [1971] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 494。如沒有作出條款規定的行為,則申索人不可繼續他/她的實質申索。會中止展開仲裁能力的「補救時限條款」沒有中止實質申索的效力: Hardwick Game Farm v Suffolk Agricultural and Poultry Producers’ Assn Ltd [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 227。申索人仍可透過其他途徑(例如高等法院)追索,但不可展開仲裁。在《高等法院規則》提述的延長時限的規則僅可適用於延長程序上的限制:Win’s Marine Trading Co v Wan Hai Lines (HK) Ltd [1999] 3 HKC 701。如已清晰明訂及無誤,則有關的時限/訴訟時限可予有效:Aries Tanker Corp v Total Transport Ltd [1977] 1 All ER 398, 1 WLR 185 (上議院)。另見 Arbitration。





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