

单词 Privilege against production
释义 針對交出文件的特權
In evidence law, the principle that a person is not obliged to produce to a court, tribunal, or any person a document which is privileged. A witness who attends on a subpoena duces tecum may object to producing a document on the ground that it is privileged from production: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Evidence [175.227]. If a party desires to claim that any documents are privileged from production, the claim must be made in the list of documents, whether served without or pursuant to an order of the court, with a sufficient statement of the grounds of the privilege: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 5(2). It is not enough to say that ‘the document is privileged from production’, however, it is sufficient to say that ‘the document is a privileged communication of a confidential character passing between the party and his solicitor for the purpose of taking legal advice’: O’Shea v Wood [1891] P 286 (CA). The court has no power to order the production of privileged documents in the absence of an agreement between the parties, or a waiver of privilege: Causton v Mann Egerton (Johnsons) Ltd [1974] 1 All ER 453, 1 WLR 162 (CA). See also Legal professional privilege; Privilege against self-incrimination; Privilege of a witness; Privileged document.
就證據法而言,某人無須向法庭、審裁處或任何人士,提交受特權保護的文件的一項原則。被著令攜帶文件出庭的證人可以文件乃受特權保護為理由 反對提交文件:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第12冊,證據,第[175.227]段。如意欲聲稱任何文件享有可免交出的特權,該項聲稱必須在文件清單(不論是就法庭命令或沒有法庭命令下而送達的)上提出,並須附同一項足以述明該特權的理由的陳述:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第24號命令第5(2)條規則。僅說文件乃是享有「針對交出文件的特權」是不足夠的,然而,只要說明「文件是與訟一方與他的律師之間,為取得法律意見的目的而作出的享有特權的保密性質的通訊」便為足夠:O’Shea v Wood [1891] P 286 (英國上訴法院)。在與訟方沒有協議,或在沒有放棄特權的情形下,法庭沒有權命令交出享有特權的文件: Causton v Mann Egerton (Johnsons) Ltd [1974] 1 All ER 453, 1 WLR 162 (英國上訴法院)。Legal professional privilege; Privilege against self-incrimination; Privilege of a witness; Privileged document。




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