

单词 Banker's acceptance
释义 銀行承兌匯票
A bill of exchange accepted by a bank. A banker’s acceptance is a negotiable money market instrument. A fee is usually charged by the bank for providing the acceptance facility, while the bill itself is discounted at the prevailing market rate. A banker’s acceptance is widely used in international trade. It made it possible for importers and exporters over the world and unknown to each other to conduct business with each other. A merchant in a place, purchasing goods overseas, may arrange for his bankers to accept a bill drawn on them by the shippers, with the various shipping documents attached to the bill. The shipper may then sell the bill and thus receive immediate payment for the goods. See also Acceptance; Bill of exchange.
銀行承兌的匯票。銀行承兌匯票是可轉讓的貨幣市場票據。銀行在提供承兌服務時通常會收取費用,而匯票兌換時亦會以現行市率的貼現率兌換。銀行承兌匯票在國際貿易上廣泛使用。銀行承兌匯票讓世界各地互不認識的出入口商可以進行交易。世界任何地方的商人,如要向海外購買貨物,可安排本身的銀行承兌由付運人向有關銀行發出的的匯票;匯票須連同各項裝運單據夾附呈交。託運人之後可出售匯票,並收取貨品直接及現有的付項。另見 Acceptance; Bill of exchange。




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