

单词 Threat
释义 威脅
A communicated intention to inflict some kind of harm on the person, reputation or property of another if that person does not do as he is told. A threat may be made with the intention to intimidate another person, to overcome their will, to unsettle their mind, or to restrain their freedom of action. It is an offence for any person who threatens any other person with any injury to the person, reputation or property of such other person or of any third person, or to the reputation or estate of any deceased person, or with any illegal act, with intent in any such case to alarm the person so threatened or any other person, or to cause the person so threatened or any other person to do any act which he is not legally bound to do, or to omit to do any act which he is legally entitled to do: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 24, 27. Such offence is also called ‘criminal intimidation’. It was of the greatest importance that the court should consider whether the words used are uttered in exasperation by a man driven beyond the point of endurance by opposition offered to him in his legitimate rights as owner of premises, and signifying nothing more than an instinctive outburst of spleen, or whether they are uttered with a genuine intention of causing fear or were, in the circumstances of their utterance, likely to produce that effect: R v Chan Kai Hing [1997] 3 HKC 575 (HC). Where threats are uttered over the telephone during long distance calls from Hong Kong to another country, there is jurisdiction to try the offence in Hong Kong: R v Cheung Hay Din & Ors [1991] 1 HKC 250 (CA). See also Assault; Threatening letter.
使某人人身、或另一人的名譽或財產遭受某種損害的已傳達意圖,如該人不依其所聽行事。威脅可為意圖恐嚇另一人而作出,以遏止該另一人的意願、擾亂其神志或約制其行動的自由。任何人威脅其他人或第三者會使該其他人的人身、名譽或財產遭受損害;或使任何死者的名譽或遺產遭受損害;或會作出任何違法作為,而在任何上述情況下意圖使受威脅者或其他人受驚;或導致受威脅者或其他人作出他在法律上並非必須作出的作為;或導致受威脅者或其他人不作出他在法律上有權作出的作為,即屬犯罪:《事罪行條例》(第200章)第24及27條。該等罪行另稱「刑事恐嚇作為」。至關重要的是,法庭應考慮使用的語句是否由某個受到反對而逼至超越其忍耐力的人,因其身為處所的擁有人的合法權利,於激怒時發表,及示明這僅是出自本能上勃然大怒;或該語句是否為真正意圖導致恐懼,或於發表該語句時相當可能會產生該後果:R v Chan Kai Hing [1997] 3 HKC 575(高等法院)。凡於長途電話上由香港向另一國家發表威脅,則香港有司法管轄權審理該罪行:R v Cheung Hay Din & Ors [1991] 1 HKC 250(上訴法院)。另見 Assault; Threatening letter。 n.




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