

单词 Determination notice
释义 終止合約通知
In building contracts, the giving of a notice pursuant to the contract for the determination of the contractor’s employment under the contract. The determination is not effective until this notice is given in accordance with the contractual provisions. As a matter of law, courts usually hold a sceptical attitude towards determination clauses as the parties have met their minds voluntarily in a contract and it is not up to the court to disrupt that contract provided clear evidence of default has been shown and/or termination procedures strictly followed: Eriksson v Whalley [1971] 1 NSWLR 397. See also Notice to show cause.
在建造合約上,指根據發出的通知書,以終止合約下的承辦商僱佣關係。除非此等通知書是按照有關的合約條文發出,否則終止無效。在法律上,法庭對終止合約條款通常持有懷疑的態度,因為立約人是在自願的情況下締給合約的,;除非有明顯缺失的證據及/或可證明已嚴格遵守終止合約的程序,否則法庭不會擾亂該等合約,:Eriksson v Whalley [1971] 1 NSWLR 397。另見 Notice to show cause。




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