

单词 Determinable
释义 可中止的/可終結的
1. Capable of being determined or brought to an end. 2. In relation to an interest in property, an interest which continues until the occurrence of a specified event: for example, Estate Duty Ordinance (Cap 111) s 6. 3. A lease may provide that even if before the expiry of the term, it can be terminated by the lessor if the lessee breaches certain terms under the lease. A lease which is determinable ‘if the parties think fit’ may be determined only by the consent of both parties: Fowell v Tranter (1864) 3 H & C 458. As to joint tenants, where a lease is determinable under an express power contained in the lease for determination by ‘the landlords’, the lease may be determined by one of the landlords only if he has been authorised by all the landlords to exercise the power: Re Viola’s Indenture of Lease, Humphrey v Stenbury [1909] 1 Ch 244; Right d Fisher v Cuthell (1804) 4 East 491. 4. In relation to gift, if such specified event is part of a void condition, the primary gift also voids. See also Conditional gift; Contingency; Contingent gift.
1. 可被中止的或可使終結的。  2. 就財產權益而言,指直至指明的事情發生為止,否則繼續存在的權益:《遺產稅條例》(第111章)第6條。  3. 租約可規定,即使在期限屆滿前,如承租人違反有關租約的若干條款,則出租人可終止租約。只有在雙方同意的情況下才可終止「如各方認為適當」便可終止的租約:Fowell v Tranter (1864) 3 H & C 458。就聯權共有人的情況而言,凡可根據租約的明示權力由「業主」終止租約,則該租約僅可在全體業主授權其中一位業主行使有關權力的情況下,由該名業主終止權力:Re Viola’s Indenture of Lease, Humphrey v Stenbury [1909] 1 Ch 244; Right d Fisher v Cuthell (1804) 4 East 491。  4. 就饋贈而言,如此等指明的事件是無效條件的一部份,則基本饋贈亦無效。另見 Conditional gift; Contingency; Contingent gift。adj.




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