

单词 Defects liability period
释义 保養期/保修期/維修責任期
In building law, the period after the work is handed over to the proprietor upon practical completion during which the contractor is obliged to attend to any defective work which existed at the time of practical completion or which becomes apparent during that period and notice of which has been given. As security for the contractor’s observance of his obligations during the defects liability period, a part of the contract sum, the retention money, is usually retained by the employer until the end of the period, and is not released until the architect gives a certificate evidencing his satisfaction that the works accord with the contract. The defects liability period set by the building contract is usually six or twelve months, but in some cases it may be longer: Golden Sand Marble Factory Ltd v Hunnewell Ltd (HCA 4649/97, unreported). During this period the contract administrator may require the contractor to rectify the defective work, but under most contracts the contractor may not be required to perform any variations. See also Building contract; Defective work.
就建築法而言,指在實際竣工後,將有關的工程移交予所有人之後的期間,承建商在這段期間有責任處理任何在實際竣工時已存在、或在該段期間變得明顯並已發出通知的有缺陷的工程/不合規格的工程 。為確保承建商在這段保養期/保修期/維修責任期履行其責任,僱主通常保留部分合約款項(保留款項),直至保養期/保修期/維修責任期終結為止;此外,這筆保證金亦須待建築師發出證明他/她滿意工程已符合合約要求的證明書後,方可獲發還。建造合約通常訂定為期6個月或1年的保養期/保修期/維修責任期;但在若干情況可能會較長:Golden Sand Marble Factory Ltd v Hunnewell Ltd (高院民事訴訟1997年第4649號,未經彙報)。合約管理人在造段期間可以要求承建商糾正有缺陷的工程/不合規格的工程,但根據大部分合約的規定,承建商可能無須履行任何更改工程。另見 Building contract; Defective work。




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