

单词 Bank manuals
释义 銀行手冊
Instruction manuals of individual banks prepared for the information, guidance and direction of their staff in the conduct of the bank’s business. Bank manuals are usually divided under sections, headings and captions according to the diverse activities of the bank. Such manuals and instructions are ‘no doubt counsels of perfection, but the fact that they are not always entirely complied with does not convict the bank of negligence, though no doubt, where the rules are not kept the matter needs attention’: Orbit Mining & Trading Co Ltd v Westminster Bank Ltd [1963] 1 QB 794 (CA); Motor Traders Guarantee Corp Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd [1937] 4 All ER 90. Deviation by a bank from the practice embodied in a guideline that it has laid down for itself will be strong prima facie evidence of negligence: Zanda Investment Ltd v Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association & Ors [1994] 2 HKC 409 (HC). A disregard of instructions or a total lack of instructions about a bank’s business can be evidence of negligence: Marfani & Co Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd [1968] 2 All ER 573 (CA); Selangor United Rubber Estates Ltd v Cradock (a bankrupt) & Ors (No 3) [1968] 2 All ER 1073. Bank manuals are also relevant in considering whether any particular transaction comes within the business of that bank: Woods v Martins Bank Ltd & Anor [1959] 1 QB 55. Also known as ‘Standing order’, ‘Bank internal rules’ or ‘Regulations’.
個別銀行為職員在其銀行業務的行為表現上,提供有關的資料,指引及指令的工作指示手冊。銀行手冊通常會按照銀行的不同業務工作而分成不同章節,標題及項目。此類手冊和指示,「毫無疑問是為追求工作完美而給與銀行職員工作上的建議。但不能因為事實上職員總是沒有完全遵守有關的手冊和指示,而判定銀行有疏忽。當然,如果有規則但不予依循,便需要關注有關的事情」:Orbit Mining and Trading CO Ltd v Westminster Bank Ltd [1963] 1 QB 794(英國上訴法院);Motor Traders Guarantee Corp Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd [1937] 4 All ER 90。如銀行偏離本身在指引中載有的實務指引,有關的偏離行為便是證明銀行犯疏忽的有力的表面證據:Zanda Investment Ltd v Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association [1994] 2 HKC 409(高等法院)。如任何銀行職員行事不顧及或完全不知銀行業務指引,銀行職員這種表現便可以作為疏忽的證明:Marfani & Co Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd [1968] 2 All ER 573(英國上訴法院);Selangor United Rubber Estates Ltd v Cradock (No 3)[1968] 2 All ER 1073。在考慮任何個別交易是否屬於有關銀行的業務範圍之內時,銀行手冊是有關的因素:Woods v Martins Bank Ltd [1959] 1 QB 55。另稱「常規命令」;「銀行內部規則」或「規例」。




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