

单词 General principles of international law
释义 國際法的一般原則
Legal policies and rules that may have been connected to municipal legal systems but which are so general and widely held that they can be used as a basis from which to indicate legal principle such as the equality of states, good faith, and legal validity of agreements. The International Court of Justice is required to apply the ‘general principles of law recognised by civilised nations’: Statute of the International Court of Justice 1945 art 38(1). See also Custom; International Court of Justice; Sources of international law; Treaty.
可能已與地方法律體系相聯繫的法律政策和規則,但是在非常概括及廣泛的情況下具有效力的因而可用作顯示國家平等、真誠和協議的法律效力等法律原則的基礎。國際法院須應用「獲文明國家所承認的一般法律原則」:《1945年國際法院法規》第38(1)條。另見 Custom; International Court of Justice; Sources of international law; Treaty。




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