

单词 Rules of the High Court
释义 高等法院規則
Abbr – RHC Rules regulating and prescribing the procedure and the practice to be followed in proceedings, stated cases, appeals, the transfer of proceedings from any inferior court, for regulation of the sittings and order of business, and for prescribing what powers may be exercised by the masters, registrar, and other officers of the High Court. In respect of civil proceedings, the High Court Rules Committee may make rules of court regulating and prescribing the procedure (including the method of pleading) and the practice to be followed in the High Court in all causes and matters whatsoever in or with respect to which the High Court has jurisdiction (including the procedure and practice to be followed in the Registries of the High Court) and any matters incidental to or relating to that procedure or practice: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 54. In respect of criminal proceedings, the rules of court made by the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee may provide for the times for or within which documents must be filed or notices given, the duties of the various officers of the court, the manner in which cases and arguments are to be presented, and generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 9(2). See also High Court; Rules of court.
縮寫 - RHC  有關的規則規管並訂明在法律程序,訂明的情況,上訴,由下級法院移交的法律程序須遵行的程序及常規,以規管法院事務的開庭期和命令,及訂明高等法院聆案官,司法常務官及其他法院人員可行使的權力。就民事法律程序而言,高等法院規則委員會,可訂立法院規則,規管並訂明就高等法院有司法管轄權的所有各類訟案及事宜而須在高等法院遵行的程序(包括作訴的方法)及常規(包括須在高等法院各登記處遵行的程序及常規),以及規管並訂明該程序或常規所附帶引起或與該程序或常規有關的任何事宜:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第54條。就刑事訴訟程序而言,刑事訴訟程序規則委員會作出的法院規則可對下述事宜作出規定:即必須將文件送交存檔或發出通知的時間或期限、法院各人員的職責、提出案及論點的方式,以及概括而言,《刑事訴訟程序條例》條文的更有效施行:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第9(2)條。另見 High Court; Rules of court。




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