

单词 Blood test
释义 血液測試
An analysis of a sample of a person’s blood.
Criminal law - A test carried out for the purpose of ascertaining the concentration of alcohol or the presence of another drug or substance in that person’s blood: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 39C(7). Where one of the two breath specimens contains no more than 37 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the person may ask that the breath specimens be replaced by a specimen of blood or urine: s 39D(2). See also Blood alcohol concentration; Driving under the influence.
Family law - A medical procedure which classifies the blood of an individual into one of several different groups and then examines the blood grouping to determine the likelihood of that individual being the parent of a particular child: Re L [1968] 1 All ER 20 (CA). A blood test cannot definitively confirm an individual as a parent, but can exclude individuals belonging to particular blood types as possible parents: S v S, W v Official Solicitor [1970] 3 All ER 107, [1972] AC 24 (HL). Parentage testing procedures, including more accurate DNA typing tests, may be directed by the court in any civil proceedings when parentage falls to be determined: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 13. However, the court cannot compel a party to provide a bodily sample: consent of the person is required: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 14(1). At common law, there is no power to order an adult to have a blood test but the court may order a child to have such a test if it is in the interest of the child: S v S, W v Official Solicitor, supra; Yeung Chung Ping v Yeung Wan Yeut Kuen [1987] 1 HKC 206 (CA). See also DNA test; Parentage testing procedure; Paternity; Paternity order.
刑法 -   為確定一人血液中酒精濃度或其他藥物或物質的存在而進行的測試﹕《道路交通條例》(第374章)第39C(7)條。如兩份呼氣樣本中的其中一份中,在100毫升呼氣中含有不多於37微克酒精,該人可要求以血液或尿液樣本代替該呼氣樣本﹕第39D(2)條。另見 Blood alcohol concentration; Driving under the influence。
家庭法 -   將一人的血液界定為若干不同類別中的其中一組,然後檢驗該血液類別,從而決定該人是個別子女的父或母的可能性的醫學程序:Re L (An Infant) [1968] 1 All ER 20(英國上訴法院)。血液測試不能確定一人就是生父或生母,但可排除屬於某血型的人是生父或生母的可能性: S v S,W v Official solicitor [1970] 3 All ER 107, [1972] AC 24 (上議院)。在任何民事訴訟中,如須斷定誰是某人的父母,則法院可發出關於父母身份的測試程序指令,包括更準確的遺傳基因類別測試指令:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第13條。但法院不可以強迫任何人提供他本人的身體樣本:必須取得該人同意提供方可:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第14(1)條。在普通法下,法院沒有權力下令任何成年人進行血液測試,但如符合子女的利益,則法院可發出有關子女進行血液測試的命令:S v S, W v Official solicitor,見上文;Yeung Chung Ping v Yeung Wan Yuet Kuen [1987] 1 HKC 206 (上訴法庭)。另見 DNA test; Parentage testing procedure; Paternity; Paternity order。




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