

单词 General partner
释义 普通合夥人
A partner in a limited partnership who is not a limited partner: Limited Partnerships Ordinance (Cap 37) s 2(1). A limited partnership shall not consist in any case of more than 20 persons, and must consist of one or more persons called general partners, who shall be liable for all debts and obligations of the firm, and one or more persons to be called limited partners, who shall at the time of entering into such partnership contribute thereto a sum or sums as capital or property valued at a stated amount, and who shall not be liable for the debts or obligations of the firm beyond the amount so contributed: s 3(2). See also Limited partnership; Partner.
指在有限責任合夥中,並非為有限責任合夥人的任何合夥人:有限責任合夥條例(第37章)第2(1)條。在任何情況下,任何有限責任合夥不得由多於20人組成,並且必須有1名或多於1名稱為普通合夥人的人,他們須對商號的一切債項及義務負上法律責任,以及有1名或多於1名稱為有限責任合夥人的人,在加入該合夥時,須分擔一筆或多筆款項作為資本或分擔價值已定的財產,而他們對有關商號的債項或義務所負的法律責任,不得超過所如此分擔的款額:第3(2)條。另見 Limited partnership。




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