

单词 General legacy
释义 一般遺贈
A gift of personal property by will: In the Matter of the Estate of Sir Catchick Paul Chater, KT, CMG, (dec’d). The Official Trustee of Bengal and William Edward Leonard Shenton and John Theophilus Bagram and Ebrahim Sadick [1929-1930] HKLR 43. It may or may not be part of the testator’s property: it has no reference to the actual state of his property, and is a gift of something which, if the testator leaves sufficient assets, must be raised by his executors out of his general personal estate. Whether or not a particular thing forms part of the testator’s personal estate is a question of fact; so long as it is the testator’s at his death it is capable of being specifically bequeathed. Whether or not it has been separated from the general personal estate depends upon the true construction of the will: [425.753]. General legacies are subject to abatement: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 27, Wills, Probate, Administration and Succession [425.784] See also Abatement of legacies; Legacy; Pecuniary legacy; Residue; Specific legacy.
藉遺囑授予的非土地財產饋贈:In the Matter of the Estate of Sir Catchick Paul Chater, KT, CMG, (已故), The Official Trustee of Bengal and William Edward Leonard Shenton and John Theophilus Bagram and Ebrahim Sadick [1929-30] HKLR 43。一般遺贈可構成立遺囑人財產的一部分:與立遺囑人財產的實際情況無關,如立遺囑人遺下足夠的資產,則其遺囑執行人必須從其一般非土地產業籌集該等饋贈。某特定的東西是否組成有關立遺囑人的非土地產業是事實的問題;只要在立遺囑人去世時屬立遺囑人的產業,即可予以特別遺贈。該遺贈是否與一般的非土地產業分開,則取決於遺囑的真正解釋:第[425.753]冊。一般遺贈可受減除限制:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第27冊,遺囑、遺囑認証、遺產管理與遺產繼承,第[425.784]冊。另見 Abatement of legacies; Legacy; Pecuniary legacy; Residue; Specific legacy。




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