

单词 Dangerous thing
释义 危險物件
In tort, an object that is dangerous per se, or an object capable of being used dangerously. Whether a thing is a dangerous thing is a question of law: Blacker v Lake and Elliot Ltd (1912) 106 LT 533. The court is not only concerned with the objective nature of the thing, its designed characteristics or functions, but also with the practical consequences of its being used or managed carelessly. See also Dangerous in itself; Escape of dangerous things: Rylands v Fletcher, rule in.
在侵權法,指本質上危險的物體或可被危險地使用的物體。某物件是否屬於危險物件是法律的問題:Blacker v Lake Elliot Ltd (1912) 106 LT 533。法院不僅關注物件的客觀性質、其設定的特性或功能,也關注不小心使用或管理該物件的實際後果。另見 Dangerous in itself; Escape of dangerous things: Rylands v Fletcher, rule in。




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