

单词 Dead freight
释义 空艙費
A claim which arises in consequence of breach of contract by a charterer to provide a full and complete cargo to a vessel in accordance with the charterparty: McLean & Hope v Fleming (1871) LR 2 HL Sc 128 (HL); Angfartygs A/B Halfdan v Price & Pierce Ltd [1939] 1 All ER 322, 3 All ER 672 (CA). In other words, these are the damages payable by the charterer to the shipowner for space not used. If the master by taking in alternative cargo can mitigate the shipowner’s loss, he must do so if such course is reasonable in the circumstances: Wallems Rederij A/S v W H Muller & Co, Batavia [1927] 2 KB 99. See also Charterer; Charterparty; Freight; Goods.
因承租人違反合約,未能按照租船合約為船舶供給完全十足的貨物而產生的申索。McLean & Hope v Fleming (1871) LR 2 HL Sc 128 (上議院);Angfartygs A/B Halfdan v Price & Pierce Ltd [1939] 1 All ER 322, 3 All ER 672 (英國上訴法院)。也就是說,空艙費是承租人應就未使用的空間而向船東支付的損害賠償。如果有關的船長可以通過承運替代貨物減少船東的損失,並且如在有關的情況下該承運行為屬合理,則他必須承運替代貨物。Wallems Rederij A/S v W H Muller & Co, Batavia [1927] 2 KB 99。另見 Charterer; Charterparty; Freight; Goods。




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