

单词 Quorum
释义 法定人數
Lat – of which or whom. The specified minimum number of members whose presence is necessary to validate the transactions of a meeting of members of a body. The quorum is composed by those actually present at a time and place when all should and might be present as opposed to an ad hoc meeting. See also Proxy; Trustee in bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy - A meeting may not act for any purpose unless there are present or represented at the meeting at least three creditors entitled to vote or three contributories, or all the creditors entitled to vote or all the contributories, if the number of the creditors entitled to vote or the contributories, as the case may be, does not exceed three: Companies (Winding-up) Rules (Cap 32H) r 123(1); Re Hoi Sing Construction Co Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 805. This rule does not apply if the purpose of the meeting is the election of a chairman; the proving of debts; or the adjournment of the meeting: r 123(1). See also Creditor’s meeting; Proxy; Trustee in bankruptcy.
Corporations - The number of persons who must be present at a company meeting before its proceedings can be valid. Articles of association usually fix the quorum necessary for the directors to act or provide that the quorum is to be fixed by the directors: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A pt I reg 101. If there is no provision in the articles relating to a quorum, two members personally present are a quorum: s 114A(1)(c). A resolution passed at a meeting at which there is no quorum is void: Re Cambrian Peat, Fuel and Charcoal Co Ltd, De la Mott’s Case and Turner’s Case (1875) 31 LT 773. The general right to have a quorum in a general meeting of a company could not be regarded as a class right attached to the shares of the minority shareholders: Manfield Coatings Co Ltd v Springfield Coatings Co Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 74 (HC). See also Board of directors; General meeting.
Foreign relations - the minimum number of duly authorised participants required to be present for the valid conduct of proceedings. The constitutional charters of international organisations generally require a quorum of members before discussions may be commenced and decisions adopted. For example, decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on important questions must be made by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 18 para 2. See also General Assembly.

拉丁語 - 其中或誰。要使法團成員會議進行處理的任何事務有效,必須有指明的最起碼數目的成員出席會議。法定人數由所有應該及可能會在該時間及該地點出席(而不是臨時會議),而實際出席的人士組成。另見 Proxy; Trustee in bankruptcy。
破產法 -   除非有最少3名有權表決的債權人或3名分擔人出席,或在有權表決的債權人數目或分擔人數目(視屬何情況而定)不超過3名的情況下,所有有權表決的債權人或所有分擔人均有出席,否則會議不可為任何目的行事:《公司(清盤)規則 》(第32H章)第123(1)條;Re Hoi Sing Construction Co Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 805。如會議的目的為選舉主席,證明債權及將會議延期則此規則不適用:第123(1)條。另見Creditor’s meeting; Proxy; Trustee in bankruptcy。
法團 - 出席公司會議必須有的起碼人數,否則程序無效。公司章程細則一般會訂定由能執行事務的董事所構成的法定人數,或規定法定人數需由董事訂定:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1A表第101條。假如章程細則沒有就法定人數作出規定,2名親自出席的成員,即構成法定人數:第114A(1)(c)條。由不足法定人數的會議所通過的決議屬無效:Re Cambrian Peat, Fuel and Charcoal Co Ltd, De la Mott’s Case and Turner’s Case (1875) 31 LT 773。公司股東大會須構成法定人數的一般權利不能被視為附於少數股東股份上的類別權利:Manfield Coatings Co Ltd v Springfield Coatings Co Ltd [1995] 1 HKC 74 (高等法院)。另見 Board of directors; General meeting。
外交 - 為程序能有效進行,而需要的最起碼數目的妥為授權參加者出席。國際機構憲章一般要求在討論開始前或採納決定前要有一定的構成法定人數的成員。舉例,聯合國大會就重要問題的決定,必須由三分之二的大部分成員出席討論及表決而作出:1945年《聯合國憲章》第18條第2段落。另見 General Assembly。n.





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