

单词 Date of assessment
释义 評估日期
In the law of contract, the relevant point of time for damages to be assessed. The general principle is that assessment is done when the breach arises. This principle however is not an absolute one and the court may fix such other time as it deems fit in light of the given circumstances of each case: Siu Ling v Wong Sum Fai [1981] HKC 116 (CA). If after the breach the parties engage in negotiations for compromise and in the meantime the market has risen, the plaintiff (purchaser) is entitled to compensation for the increase and the value is taken at the date the negotiations ceased: Ogle v Vane (Earl) (1868) LR 3 QB 272, 137 LJQB 77. If it is otherwise reasonable for the plaintiff to defer corrective measures, the date of assessment could be correspondingly postponed: Dodd Properties Ltd v Canterbury CC [1980] 1 All ER 928, 1 WLR 402. Where the breach could not have been discovered by the plaintiff, damages are assessed as at the date of discovery or the date the plaintiff ought reasonably to have discovered the breach rather than the date of breach: Applegate v Moss [1971] 1 All ER 747, 1 QB 406 (CA). See also Assessment of damages; Late delivery; Non-delivery.
在合同法中,作為評估損害賠償的有關時間。一般的原則是違約發生時便作評估。但這原則並非絕對的原則,法院可因應個別案件的給定情況,決定以其他認為適宜的時間作評估日期:Siu Ling v Wong Sum Fai [1981] HKC 116 (上訴法庭)。如在違約後,締約各方就妥協進行談判,而在此期間市場上揚,原告人(購買人)有權就上升的部分獲得補償,而價值評估則訂在談判結束後的日期:Ogle v Vane (Earl) (1868) LR 3 QB 272, 137 LJQB 77。如在其他情況下,原告人合理地延遲採取更正措施,則可相應地押後評估日期:Dodd Properties Ltd v Canterbury CC [1980] 1 All ER 928, 1 WLR 402。凡違約是不可能被原告人發現的,則以發現之日作為評估損害賠償的日期,或原告人理應發現違約之日期,而非違約日期:Applegate v Moss [1971] 1 All ER 747, 1 QB 406(英國上訴法庭)。另見 Assessment of damages; Late delivery; Non-delivery。




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