

单词 Negligent statement
释义 疏忽陳述
Where a defendant makes a statement which is reasonably relied upon by the plaintiff, in the way intended by the defendant, with the resultant damage to the plaintiff, there may be an expressed or implied assumption of responsibility sufficient to give rise to liability for economic loss flowing from the reliance: Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 411; Yue Xiu Finance Co Ltd v Dermot Agnew [1996] 1 HKLR 137, 2 HKC 122. The defendant accepts a legal duty to exercise such care as the circumstances require in making his reply. For a failure to exercise such care, an action in negligence will lie, if foreseeable loss or damage is the result: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.104]. See also Negligent misrepresentation.
當某被告人合理地依憑原訴人而作出陳述,以被告人擬使的方式,而因而對原訴人造成損害,當中必須有明示或默示的承擔法律責任,足以就該項依賴所引起的經濟損失負責:Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co Ltd [1998] 1 HKLRD 411; Yue Xiu Finance Co Ltd v Dermot Agnew [1996] 1 HKLR 137, 2 HKC 122。被告人承擔某法律義務以行使作答時所須的謹慎責任。如無法行使謹慎責任,則會引起對疏忽的法律行動,如可預期的損失或損害將會成為發生:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第 25冊,侵權,第 [380.104]段。另見 Negligent misrepresentation。




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