

单词 Absence of parties
释义 案中各方俱缺席
In the context of court applications and proceedings in chambers, the failure of a party to attend the hearing. The court may proceed in a party’s absence if, having regard to the nature of the application, it thinks it expedient to do so: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 32 r 5(1). But before doing so, the court may require to be satisfied that the absent party has been duly served with the summons or the notice of appointment: r 5(2). Where the court has so proceeded, provided that any order made on the hearing has not been perfected, the court, if satisfied that it is just to do so, may rehear the summons: r 5(3). Where the party issuing the summons fails to attend the hearing and the summons is dismissed, the court may allow the summons to be restored to the list, if satisfied that it is just to do so: r 5(4). See also Default judgment; Ex parte.
就向法庭提出的申請及於內庭進行的法律程序而言,案中一方沒有出庭聆訊。法庭在考慮及申請的性質後,如認為如此行事屬於合宜,可在沒有出席一方缺席情況下進行法律程序:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第32號命令第5條規則(1)。在如此行事之前,法庭可規定須使法庭信納傳票或指定日期的通知書已妥為送達沒有出席的一方:第5條規則(2)。凡法庭如此行事,則如在該次聆訊作出的任何命令尚未完備,而法庭又信納如此行事屬於公正,法庭可重新聆訊該傳票:第5條規則(3)。凡取得傳票的一方沒有出席聆訊而傳票被駁回,則法庭如信納如此行事屬於公正,可容許將傳票重新列入審訊表內:第5條規則(4)。另見 Default judgment; Ex parte。




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